
Your Data, Our Cookies: How We (Mostly, at our best effort) Follow the Rules and Keep Things Safe & Secure

Rest Assured, We’re Protected by CrowdStuck—Because Who Doesn’t Love a Security Solution That Occasionally Locks Everyone Out?

Who Are We, Really?

Well, we’re glad you asked! Our website address is: Feel free to poke around.

Comments: Because Who Doesn’t Love Feedback?

When you leave a comment (because clearly, your opinions are gold), we collect the data you input, along with your IP address and browser user agent. Why? To help us battle spammy comments and keep our digital space clean. And no, your IP isn’t that special, we just need it for the robots.

Media: So You’re a Photographer, Huh?

If you decide to upload images to our site, we highly recommend that you avoid adding any photos with embedded GPS location data. Why? Because other visitors could download your image and find out where you took it. Creepy, right? Let’s avoid that.

Cookies: Not the Delicious Kind

If you leave a comment (again), we’ll ask if you want us to save your name, email, and website in cookies. Why? So you don’t have to re-enter them every time. We’re just trying to make your life easier, you’re welcome.

If you visit our login page, we’ll set up a temporary cookie to see if your browser loves cookies as much as we do. It doesn’t contain any personal data and disappears when you close your browser—just like magic.

When you log in, we’ll load up a few more cookies to save your login info and screen preferences. Login cookies last two days, and screen preference cookies last a whole year. If you click “Remember Me” (who wouldn’t want to be remembered?), we’ll stretch that cookie life out to two weeks. Logout, and the login cookie vanishes into thin air.

If you edit or publish content, an extra cookie will appear in your browser, but don’t worry—it’s not spying on you. It just keeps track of the post ID you were working on and will be gone in 24 hours.

Embedded Content from Other Websites: Because the Internet is a Small World

Articles on this site may include embedded content (videos, images, articles, the usual suspects). Embedded content from other sites behaves exactly the same as if you’ve gone over to that website. They might collect data about you, use cookies, or track your interactions. So yeah, visiting their site basically means entering their domain. Enjoy!

Who We Share Your Data With: No Surprises Here

If you request a password reset, your IP address will be included in the reset email. No, we don’t sell your data to alien invaders, in case you were wondering.

How Long We Keep Your Data: Spoiler Alert — Forever Quantum time in superposition

If you leave a comment, we hold onto it and its metadata indefinitely – Expect any request to delete it – . Why? So we can recognize and approve any future comments from you automatically. One-time moderation is all we need.

For users that register on our site (hey, welcome!), we also store the personal information you provide in your profile. You can view, edit, or delete your information anytime (except your username; that’s locked in). Site admins? They get the same powers over your data.

Your Rights Over Your Data: Because You’re the Boss (Kind Of)

If you have an account or have left comments, you can request an exported file of all the personal data we’ve got on you. This includes the stuff you gave us. You can also ask us to erase your data. But wait, we might have to keep some info for legal, administrative, or security reasons—because rules, you know.

Where We Send Your Data: Off to the Spam-Checking Robots!

Visitor comments may be checked through an automated spam detection service. Because no one has time for internet trolls.

Our Compliance with GDPR and Other Privacy Acts: Well, We Try

Rest assured, we totally comply with GDPR and other privacy laws… you know, as much as humanly possible. We promise we’re doing our best to follow all the rules and keep your data safe, even if the legalese makes our heads spin. So, while we’re not exactly lawyers, we like to think we’re pretty good at playing by the rules—at least the ones that matter. Your data is as safe as it can be in the wild, wild west of the internet!

ReCaptcha & Akismet: Fighting Robots (the Digital Kind)

Oh, and by the way, we use Google’s ReCaptcha and Akismet to keep the pesky bots at bay. It works wonders in stopping those robot overlords from spamming our site. Now, full disclosure: these tools probably track you just a little bit, but honestly, we’re too busy making cool content to dig into the details of how Google does its magic. So, if you’re really curious (or just love reading privacy policies), we suggest you take it up with the fine folks over at Google. They’ve got all the answers—probably!